We are committed to complying fully with all relevant legal requirements, codes of practice and regulations; assessing the environmental impacts of our operations; continuously seeking to reduce their impacts and improving our resource efficiency through reduction of energy, water use and waste.
Classic Travelling has already taken to following steps to reduce our environmental impact:
Planting trees for every trip in association with The Woodland Trust, to offset the carbon produced by the vehicle emissions. We have calculated that Classic Travelling tours are responsible for around 30-35 tonnes of carbon emissions annually. To offset this Classic Travelling is working with the Woodland Trust to create 750m2 of new native woodland each year. In time this will absorb at least 30 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year, helping with our strategy to reduce our business carbon footprint. See our Woodland Trust Certificate here.
- Optimising energy efficiency & conservation in all operations by turning off equipment as much as possible, & not leaving anything on standby
- Only purchasing equipment with a high energy rating
- Using low energy LED bulbs
- The office has 12 solar PV panels (2kwh system) to generate electricity
- The office is heated by an efficient wood-burning stove & an energy-efficient air source heat pump
- We actively reduce, reuse, recycle & reduce packaging on all our products where feasible. We minimise waste generation by applying reuse & recycle options where possible.
- We promote water conservation in our home, office & garden & use tap water for drinking
- All washing (personal, laundry and dishes) products are eco-friendly
- All recyclable waste is recycled
- Water saving measures are installed in the toilets
- Food waste is composted on site
- We choose suppliers & contractors that adopt best environmental practices, making this the procurement policy of our company
- Our policy is to do everything we can to protect the natural environment
- We strive to communicate our environmental commitment to clients, customers & the public & encourage them to support it
- We aim to continually improve our environmental performance & minimise the social impact & damage of activities by periodically reviewing our environmental policy in light of our current & planned future activities.
The company will implement all reasonably practicable measures to prevent pollution of our surrounding environment and will comply with current environmental regulations and legislation. Our aim is to ensure that our driving tours have the lowest possible impact on the environment.
Our commitment is to the environment and sustainable tourism.