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Financial Protection

For all our tours, all payments made to us are fully bonded through the Association of Bonded Travel Organisers Trust Limited (ABTOT). Our ABTOT membership number is 5389.

The Association of Bonded Travel Organisers Trust Limited (ABTOT) provides financial protection under the Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992 for Classic Travelling, and in the event of their insolvency, protection is provided for the following:

(1) non-flight packages commencing in and returning to the UK; (2) non-flight packages commencing and returning to a country other than the UK; and (3) flight inclusive packages that commence outside of the UK and Republic of Ireland, which are sold to customers outside of the UK and Republic of Ireland (although Classic Travelling does not offer flight-inclusive packages).

(1), (2) and (3) provides for a refund in the event you have not yet travelled. (1) and (3) provides for repatriation. Please note that bookings made outside the UK and Republic of Ireland are only protected by ABTOT when purchased directly with Classic Travelling.

In the unlikely event that you require assistance whilst abroad due to our financial failure, please call the ABTOT 24/7 helpline on 01702 811397 and advise you are a customer of an ABTOT protected travel company.

Making Your Booking

Please complete the booking form and forward it to Classic Travelling Ltd, together with your non-refundable deposit of 25% of the tour price per person. Payment details are on the booking forms and payment is by bank transfer or cheque in the currency applicable for the tour (UK Sterling, Euro, Swiss franc or US Dollar). If you are booking less than eight weeks prior to departure, the full cost of the tour is payable. On receipt of your booking form and deposit, we will confirm your booking in writing, then approximately eight weeks before departure we will send a final invoice and any further information relevant to the tour you have booked. You must pay the invoice within 10 days of the invoice date otherwise we reserve the right to treat the booking as cancelled and apply the cancellation conditions as set out below. Your travel documents and tour book are dispatched about 7-10 days before the tour departs.

You can make a booking simply via our website. Telephone and email booking requests must be confirmed in writing with the completion of a Booking Form (either online, via the downloadable PDF or we can email you a PDF booking form) and deposit, which can be mailed to us in the time-honoured way.

A reservation is made once a completed Booking Form, together with the appropriate Booking Deposit, have been received from you and confirmed in writing by us. At this date a contract will come into force between us. Our written confirmation of your booking means that we agree to operate your holiday as stated on our website. The contract, which is deemed to have been made at our offices in Hampshire UK, is governed by English law and is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

Whether booking by telephone, email, letter or online, it is implied and accepted that the ‘lead name’ on the booking guarantees that he/she has the authority to accept, and does accept, on behalf of the party, the terms of these booking conditions.

Booking Deposit

The amount of deposit per person is shown alongside every tour.

We accept deposit payments by electronic bank transfer (please ask for our bank details), and cheque (made payable to Classic Travelling Ltd and drawn on a UK bank in GB Pounds Sterling). For payment of booking deposits we also accept Visa and MasterCard credit cards via PayPal.

Provisional Bookings

We are happy to hold Provisional Reservations for up to 7 days. After this, we do require a Booking Form and deposit to confirm your place on tour. Any unconfirmed space will be released.

Final Payment

Full payment of the balance is due 2 months prior to departure. The date the balance falls due will be advised by us when we confirm your booking. We will send you an invoice before the balance is due.

We accept balance payments by electronic bank transfer or cheque. If the balance has not been paid by the due date we reserve the right to treat your booking as cancelled and levy appropriate cancellation charges.

Late Bookings

Bookings accepted less than 2 months prior to departure must be accompanied by full payment at time of booking.


You or any member of your party may cancel your tour at any time providing that the cancellation is made by the person who signed the booking form and is communicated in writing only. This takes effect on the day such notice is received by Classic Travelling.  As this incurs administration costs we will retain the 25% non-refundable deposit. In the event of cancellation after the full balance is due, the additional cancellation charges will apply as shown below:

More than 60 days – deposit only     Between 60 & 45 days – 50%     More than 44 & 29 days – 75%    28 days or less – 100%

If you are obliged to cancel, you may, with reasonable notice, transfer your booking to a third party who satisfies the conditions required to taking that tour, but will retain your deposit to cover the administration cost for the transfer.

To protect yourself against cancellation please ensure that you purchase good comprehensive insurance as early as possible. If the reason for cancellation falls within the terms of your insurance, the above charges will normally be refunded to you by the insurance company less premium cost and any excess applicable.

If you are unavoidably prevented from proceeding with your holiday, you may transfer your booking up to 30 days prior to departure to another person providing the transferee meets any conditions which may apply to the booking and subject to availability of flights and other arrangements required. We shall make a charge of £50 per person for administrative costs, plus all additional charges imposed by our suppliers arising from the transfer.

If circumstances force you to leave a tour early, or follow a separate itinerary, you will have to bear any extra costs involved, although these may be covered by your Insurance.

Amendments by us

If we cancel your booking: For group tours, a minimum number of cars are required for a tour to operate. Cancellations by us may be necessary in exceptional circumstances and we reserve the right in our absolute discretion to cancel your holiday. In this event, you will be offered the choice of an alternative holiday (if available) or a full refund of all monies paid. Subject to the passengers’ agreement, we may propose a supplement charge to enable said tour to operate, particularly for unavoidable costs, beyond our control, such as foreign exchange rate fluctuations. This will only be imposed if the cost of your holiday increases by more than 2% and you will be informed in advance. Classic Travelling Ltd reserves the right to alter the tour itinerary as necessary.

Passports, Visas & Health

All clients are personally responsible for ensuring that they have a valid passport with at least six months validity, relevant visa(s) and conform to the health regulations required by the country(ies) that will be visited during the tour. Relevant health advice can be obtained from your GP, practice nurse or travel health clinic.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office produces up-to-date travel information to help British travellers make informed decisions about travelling abroad. Check out for the latest information.

Our Liabilities

We do not exclude or limit any liability to our clients which may arise from proven negligence by any person employed directly by us or our suppliers and subcontractors, servants or agents of the same whilst acting in the course of their employment in respect of death, bodily injury or illness. Such liabilities shall be subject to English law and all proceedings shall be within the exclusive domain of the English courts. We shall endeavour to afford general assistance to our clients in the event of illness, injury or death during the period of the tour. We accept responsibility for ensuring that all parts of the tour are supplied as described and that all services shall reach a reasonable standard. These obligations and responsibilities shall be limited to where international conventions in respect of sea carriers apply. Naturally, we cannot assume responsibility for loss or expense due to war, riots, strikes, terrorist activities or natural disaster.

Travel Insurance

It is imperative that you take out adequate travel insurance to our reasonable satisfaction. We will require you to let is have evidence of your insurance at least 8 weeks prior to departure or at time of booking if later. We reserve the right to terminate your booking if you fail to obtain travel insurance cover. Particular care should be taken to ensure that you have adequate cover, in particular for cancellation and emergency repatriation in the event of medical problems.

Tour Leaders

The tour leader, in conjunction with the appropriate medical advice if applicable, has the right to disqualify any client at any time during the course of the tour, if considered necessary for the medical well being or safety of the individual or in the tour leader’s opinion, the client’s actions materially are affecting the enjoyment of the tour for the remainder of the group. Any decision with regard to any reimbursement for any part of the tour not completed will be decided between the Director of Classic Travelling Ltd and the tour leader.

Land Only Bookings: IMPORTANT!

Customers booking their own flights (i.e. land only bookings) should not do so until Classic Travelling has confirmed the holiday will operate (at the latest two months before departure) as all group tours are subject to a minimum number of bookings being achieved. Land only customers are responsible for paying their own airport taxes etc and transport to/from the airport at the start/end of the tour. Please note we will not be held responsible for any cancellation charges you may incur occasioned by Classic Travelling cancelling your holiday for whatever reason.

Tour Alteration

We do everything possible to ensure each tour runs as advertised. However, we reserve the right to alter the holiday, or to substitute accommodation and/or leaders if necessary, in which case participants will be informed. Most such changes will be minor.

If a major change (see below) is necessary, or we have to cancel your holiday for any reason before the date of departure, we will advise you as soon as reasonably possible. You will have the choice of: (a) accepting the new holiday arrangements; (b) an alternative holiday if available (where this is of a lower price we will refund the difference, but where this is of a higher price, you will be expected to pay the difference); or (c) cancelling your booking in return for a full refund (save for any insurance premiums). Irrespective of which you choose we will pay reasonable compensation as follows:

Period before scheduled departure date within Compensation departure date within which a MAJOR change per person or cancellation is notified to you

More than 42 days Nil
42-29 days £10
42-29 days £20
14-0 days £30

Please note that a change of leader does not constitute a major change. A major change to your holiday is one which involves a significant change of accommodation or itinerary. No compensation is payable in respect of other changes which are minor, or where cancellation or change is as a result of unusual or unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control the consequences of which neither we nor our suppliers could reasonably avoid, examples of which include: force majeure (war or threat of war, riot, civil strife, terrorist activity, natural or nuclear disaster, epidemic, fire, adverse weather conditions, non-availability of fuel; or industrial dispute which unavoidably prevents a carrier, hotelier or other supplier from performing their contract; the balance has not been paid by the due date; or the tour is cancelled because the number of persons actually booked is insufficient to operate the tour.

Group size, underbooking and cancellation

The operation of all tours is subject to minimum numbers being achieved at least 70 days (10 weeks) prior to departure. Our stated minimum number of participants for most tours is usually ten (10) cars but we have run tours with fewer than this. Please note that we cannot accept cancellations without forfeit simply on the grounds that the tour is running with fewer participants than anticipated. In such circumstances, our standard cancellation terms will apply. If a tour is underbooked at 70 days (10 weeks) we may defer cancellation but will inform you if the tour is not running no later than 6 weeks prior to departure. Save for the compensation payments set out above we will be under no further liability to you.

Pricing and surcharges

Prices on our website are based on costs and exchange rates. Please note that Classic Travelling’s policy has always been NOT to surcharge customers. Our No Surcharge Guarantee means the price you book is the price you pay. We also aim to price in tour local currencies where applicable, to avoid exchange rate issues – eg Euro, Swiss Franc and US Dollar.

Price changes and Provisional Prices

We do all we can to avoid increases in tour cost but we reserve the right to change any of the prices, services or other particulars contained in our brochure, website and Tour Info Packs at any time before we enter into contract with you. If there is any increase in price or any significant change we will notify you before we enter into such contract so you can decide whether or not to proceed. If you have already booked and the price change is downward, the price you pay will be the new lower price. If you have already booked and the price change is upward, the price you pay will be the price in force at the time of our original booking confirmation letter to you.

Prices within our website supersede all previously advertised prices. All information is given in good faith and believed to be correct at the time of printing. Whilst every effort is made to ensure accuracy, occasional errors do occur and you must therefore check your holiday details carefully.

Provisional Prices: In instances where we do not yet have costs from our suppliers for our tours, the tour prices shown on our website will be marked as ‘provisional’. You can book now on any of the tours listed but if you change your mind when our new Brochure is published / our provisional prices are confirmed we will happily refund your deposit or transfer your booking to another Limosa tour. We expect most tour prices for the following year to be confirmed during summer/autumn of the previous year.

Fitness to Travel

You must be fit and well to participate on one of our tours. We rely on your own assessment of your own ability to take part. Under no circumstances should you travel if your doctor has or would advise against it.

Should any member of your party suffer from any disability or medical condition which may prohibit their full participation in the tour, please ring us. You must provide full details on your booking form including any specific requirements that person has. If you know that you need help, you should bring a helper with you, whose participation is subject to availability and the full tour price.

Classic Travelling reserves the right to decline any booking where we feel unable to accommodate the needs of a participant or the nature of the tour may be unsuitable for that participant. We reserve the right to refuse to take participants who have not provided all relevant details of any medical condition, disability, infirmity or other factors which affect your ability to fully participate in the holiday at the time of booking (or as soon as any such condition etc. develops, if later); and to cancel any holiday and impose cancellation charges in such circumstances.

Special Requests

If you have any special requests (e.g. dietary requests, room type or location), these must be advised to us in writing at the time of booking. We will advise all relevant suppliers of your requirements but cannot guarantee that such requests will be met. Furthermore, Classic Travelling has no liability to you if such requests are not met. We regret we cannot accept any conditional bookings, i.e. any booking which is specified to be conditional on the fulfilment of a particular request.


We do our utmost to secure accommodation specified within our detailed tour itineraries. However, we reserve the right to change accommodation from that specified within our literature, for whatever reason. Whenever possible, changes will be to accommodation of equivalent or higher standard within the same general locale. Where this is not possible, we may occasionally have to settle for accommodation of a lower standard, in which event a pro-rata refund will be made to participants after the tour.

The tour prices on our website are the cost per person based on two people sharing a room. In most cases, there is an additional cost to pay for single travellers wishing to occupy a room to themselves. This is the single room supplement as indicated on our website. The reason for this supplement is that our contract with the owners is based on a price per room while our holidays are sold per person, including flights and other elements. Therefore the per person price for a lone traveller includes the entire room cost. We do not make additional or excessive profits from these sales, the prices charged merely reflect the real cost to us. In some hotels there are rooms that are designed for single occupancy only. In this instance there will normally be a supplement but this is usually less than when a single person occupies a twin/double room. These single rooms are often smaller and sometimes less well appointed. We have no say in the allocation of rooms and do not know which room you will be given as hotels will usually decide this shortly before you arrive and without reference to us.


We reserve the right to take photographs during the operation of our tours and to use the resulting images for promotional purposes. By booking with us, tour members agree to allow their image to be used in this way. Participants who would prefer or require that their image should not be used must inform us in writing prior to the tour.

Client behaviour

You must at all times strictly comply with the laws, customs and regulation of the countries visited, and conduct yourself in a manner deemed by the leader to be compatible with the satisfactory operation of the tour. We reserve the right to dismiss from the group any person unable or unwilling so to do. Any person so dismissed shall have no cause for complaint or refund, and shall bear all the extra expenses of his/her return home.

Responsibilities and liability

We will accept responsibility should the services we are contractually obliged to provide prove deficient or not of reasonable standard. We will also accept responsibility for loss or damage due to the acts or omissions of our employees, agents and suppliers. We will accept responsibility for the negligent acts or omissions of our employees, agents and suppliers whilst acting within the scope of their employment in respect of claims arising as a result of death, personal injury or illness to the client. Claims in respect of the above matters shall (in respect of both liability and quantum) fall within the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England. All claims must be notified to us in writing within 28 days of your return from the holiday.

We shall be entitled to limit our liability in relation to the above in the manner provided by the relevant International Conventions in respect of air, sea and land carriage. We will accept no responsibility or liability in respect of: loss or damage to goods; loss, damage, delay or misdirection of your luggage and personal effects; death or physical injury unless resulting from proven negligence; claims arising out of carriage by air or sea (see above). We will accept no responsibility or liability in respect of claims arising out of your own acts or omissions, or those of a third party not connected with the provision of your holiday. Where appropriate and subject to our reasonable discretion we will afford general assistance to our clients who through misadventure suffer illness, personal injury or death during the period of the holiday arising out of an activity which does not form part of the holiday. We will accept no responsibility or liability in respect of losses or additional expenses incurred as a result of transport delays, flight changes or cancellations, sickness, quarantine, war, riots or political crises, threat of terrorist activity, strikes, industrial action, government intervention, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, weather conditions, flood, acts of God or other similar events beyond our control. Any additional costs that result, such as extra flights and hotel accommodation, will be your responsibility and must be paid for directly at the time.

Travel Insurance

Good and comprehensive travel insurance is essential before setting off on any overseas trip. It is a condition of booking with Classic Travelling that all travellers are covered by comprehensive travel insurance and do not travel against medical advice.

You should obtain your travel insurance as soon as possible after booking your holiday to cover you against cancellation, curtailment, missed departure, delay, personal accident, death, loss of baggage and valuables, personal liability and legal expenses. Your insurance should also cover you fully in respect of medical care and repatriation should you become too ill to continue with the tour, including the cost of emergency evacuation by helicopter or air ambulance should this be necessary. Note that passenger liability insurance covering the transportation that we hire, particularly in Third World countries, may be inadequate; it is therefore important that your insurance cover includes sufficient provision for your dependents in the event of an accident.

Due to UK Government legislation under Financial Services Authority regulations we are not allowed to offer or recommend travel-related insurance to our customers.

Dealing with Complaints

If you should have a complaint please notify our tour leader(s) as soon as possible in order that the matter can be dealt with promptly. If it is not dealt with to your satisfaction on the spot, the nature of the complaint should be stated in writing promptly and preferably within 28 days of the date scheduled for your return from the tour. In any event, we will not be under any liability in respect of any claim of which we are not notified in writing within three months of the date scheduled for your return.

If despite our best efforts and having followed the above procedure for reporting and resolving your complaint, you feel that it has not been satisfactorily settled, we recommend that it is referred for arbitration under the ABTOT Travel Industry Arbitration Service. An Independent Arbitrator will review the documents relating to any complaint and deliver a binding decision to bring the matter to a close. Details of the scheme are available from: The Travel Industry Arbitration Service, administered by Dispute Settlement Services Ltd at 9 Savill Road, Lindfield, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH16 2NY or from ABTOT, 117 Houndsditch, London EC3A 7BT. DSS are not on the Government’s ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) list but still provide Arbitration. DSS will continue to be completely independent and impartial to maintain the credibility of the service but shall still be happy to speak to any potential claimants and advise them of their options, whether to pursue a claim in the county court or attempt mediation or arbitration. The scheme cannot, however, decide in cases where the sums claimed exceed £1,500 per person or £7,500 per booking form, or for claims which are solely or mainly in respect of physical injury or illness or the consequence thereof.

Mailing List

All names and addresses on the Classic Travelling mailing list are held on computer. These are strictly confidential and NOT available except for our own use. If you object to your details being stored in this way please let us know and we will remove your details. On tours that we run in conjunction with another tour operator, airline or travel company, or supplier (tour guide, accommodation etc) any details necessarily passed on will only be used for compliance with essential travel formalities.